Workshop 2.2

Big Decisions

Why we make them poorly.
How we can make them better.


Training modules

  1. Workshop objectives and desired outcomes.

  2. Why strategic decision making goes bad.

  3. Often unrecognized decision-making traps and biases.

  4. Four cases where bad strategic decisions led to bad outcomes… and why the decisions were flawed.

  5. Recognizing the limits to our knowledge:
    Going beyond rational decision making.

  6. Nine decision making tools.

  7. The iDECIDE decision making framework.

  8. Summing up and Q&A.

Time required

4 hours.

Participants receive

  • PDF of workshop PowerPoint presentation.

  • Free e-copy (draft or final version when available) of Lee Crumbaugh's upcoming book, BIG DECISIONS.

  • PDF of Forrest Consulting’s 2016 Strategic Leader Survey Report, Making The Critical Decisions: How Leaders And Organizations Fall Short

  • Handouts provided in the workshop.


$1,600, plus expenses.

Contact us to discuss your training needs!