Strategic Thinking & Strategic Action

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Can “Big Data” deliver “the right decision”?
Decision making Lee Crumbaugh Decision making Lee Crumbaugh

Can “Big Data” deliver “the right decision”?

One idea for maximizing the gain we get from decisions is to use machines to help us make them or even have machines make the big decisions for us. But can an algorithm be perfected to always yield “the right decision”? An algorithm is a process or set of rules used in calculations or problem-solving. “Artificial intelligence” (AI) algorithms which process “Big Data” use logic rules and mathematics to solve problems and produce answers. These algorithms engage in “machine learning” or “deep learning.” Instead of a programmer writing the commands to solve a problem, the program generates its own algorithm based on example or training data and a desired output.. But it is clear that we cannot reliably leave or ever expect to leave our big decisions to “Big Data” and artificial intelligence. We humans will continue to need to make the big decisions, with whatever outside aid we can muster and trust.

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